Monday, January 2, 2012

Create a Focal Point with Hawaiian Art

!±8± Create a Focal Point with Hawaiian Art

If you are trying to create a Hawaiian style theme home, one of the best ways to achieve this is by creating a great focal point. Hawaiian art should be the focal point in your room. Not only does it give your visitors something to admire, it also sets the tone for the whole room- from bedrooms to family rooms. This comes in a variety of forms, let's discuss some ways you can create the perfect Hawaiian art focal point.

The most obvious way is to purchase a beautiful Hawaiian landscape painting or photo. There are so many talented artists out there, your choices are limitless. Some Hawaiian art themes include: surfer themes, hula girls, woody cars, tikis, tropical flowers, tapa art and more. If you can't afford a piece of original Hawaiian art, purchase a giclee or even a poster in a nice frame can make an elegant statement. Perhaps you have a lovely picture of your took on your last visit to Hawaii. There are several online companies that can turn your own photos into beautiful Hawaiian art pictures or murals. This gives your home a personal feel.

Another great way is to create a focus in your home is by displaying a Hawaiian quilt. This doesn't have to be an expensive quilt. Even mainstream stores carry beautiful Hawaiian quilts and tapestries. Choose from Hawaiian quilts with beautiful themes such as plumeria, ginger, pineapples, and Pele's flame. You can also save money and instill a sense of satisfaction if you make your own Hawaiian quilt.

Perhaps you would prefer to create a focal point by using a Hawaiian mural on your wall for your Hawaiian art. Many of the new products on the market have made it extremely easy to achieve this affect with pre-pasted wallpaper or with a paint by number kit. This is a very affordable option.

When you are ready to add your piece of Hawaiian art, look for the most visible spot in the room and place it there. It is easier to decorate your Hawaiian style theme room by choosing this piece first and then building your room around your favorite Hawaiian art piece.

Create a Focal Point with Hawaiian Art

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